Little Dream is the debut children’s book from Darling Clover Co., written by Celeste Rankine and illustrated by Laivi Põder.


It all started when…

“We wondered if you had lost your way.” — Little Dream

Little Dream tells a moving story of a couple’s faith and determination as they wait year after year for their sweet dream to arrive.

With many joyful adventures, and a special someone to meet, baby badger is in no rush.

A unique story that honours the lives of angels taken too soon, and celebrates the courage that comes when we are lead down the heartbreaking path of infertility and loss - a place we never thought we’d be.

Laivi Põder’s whimsical illustrations so beautifully bring Little Dream to life. It is a story that will be sure to have a special place in the hearts of many & become a treasured favourite for a precious miracle or miracle-to-be.





Writer, creator, advocate, flower and ice-cream lover

I grew up in Melbourne, Australia and have always loved to write. In recent years, through our struggles with infertility and loss, I have found writing to be quite the therapeutic outlet.

I started Darling Clover Co. to create quality stories that share real and meaningful messages, and Little Dream is my debut children’s book.

As a child I spent a lot of time with my Grandfather, who came from Vienna, Austria during WII, and later founded two bookshops in the heart of Melbourne, one being a children’s bookshop. My love from books is most definitely engrained!

Since dealing with infertility and recurrent miscarriage, I have noticed how few children’s books there are out there with these challenging topics mentioned. I wanted to create a book that honoured and acknowledged the pain so many couples face, as well as hopefully shed some light and awareness. Making babies isn't always as easy as people often assume, and it’s important to remember that families are created in many beautiful ways.

For a few years now I have been sharing my journey to motherhood on Instagram and YouTube, and having connected with thousands of couples from around the world, all walking a similar path, I feel a responsibility to do my part to try and help break down the stigma that still exists.

Despite no two stories being the same, in essence, our story is your story. And it deserves a voice.

Writing Little Dream and seeing it come to life through Laivi Põder’s magnificent illustrations has been such a joy and much needed distraction as we persevered with more IVF treatments in 2019.

All I hope for Little Dream is that it reaches and touches as many hearts as possible, and that it becomes a treasured bedtime favourite for both parents and child.

Click here to pre-order your copy of the book - thank you for your love and support!






Illustrator, artist, baker, nature and animal lover

I was born in Estonia and now live in The Netherlands. I grew up in a very green town, so I love the calm feeling that nature gives. 

All of my inspiration comes from nature. I love creating gentle and peaceful atmospheres that tell a story.

I graduated from nursing school and worked at a hospital for several years, but I dreamed of being an artist. So in my mid-twenties, I decided to quit my work and become an illustrator!

I mostly use digital media for my work. 

My work always starts with a background and then I start including details to the picture.

I have experimented with almost any kind of medium there is, starting with watercolor and ending with paper art and linocutting. After I started using Procreate my style changed a bit. 

Now I paint with watercolor on paper, scan it and use it in Procreate (mostly as background for paintings) together with digital media. For my sketchbook, I always go to gouache and coloured pencils though.

My art is definitely influenced by my childhood, I love painting nature scenes! There is so much magic in this beautiful world!

Click here to see Laivi’s Instagram account to admire more of her beautiful artwork!